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At first I wondered what was going on, but then I noticed something hot and gooey in her lap. Ow! I thought sympathetically as I realized she had spilled quite a massive amount of melted cheese onto her lap. Luckily, she was wearing pants, but I could imagine just how painful the feeling of that hot liquid seeping through her jeans must have been. Sure enough, she bolted to the bathroom, knocking over what little cheese was left in the fondue pot. Pausing the movie, I got to my feet and strolled into the dining room. Is she all right? I asked. My roommates two friends peered up at me and I realized for the first time just how oddly similar they looked. So familiar in fact, that I soon realized they were twin, identical twins! I hope she is, responded one of the twins. At least, that is what I think she said, I was too busy looking them up and down, drinking in their breathtaking beauty. Okay, maybe they were not breathtaking, but definitely hot. And everybody knows that: Hot + Twins. " Why would you do this?" You ask as you flick through all the information that is allowing you into your dream school. A school for the superheroes of this world."Our town wants to help you out, but we also know if you keep in town. Bad things could happen to our property, to us, and the entire town. The BrotherDistrict will come here and end you if you keep in this lane of crime."You thought before receiving the letter accepting you into Hero college. That the BrotherDistrict is a pompous prissy bunch of heroes that rule over the entire Western culture....A month laterYou wear simple clothes, a button-up blue shirt and ripped blue jeans pants. You reach the stone steps, the tall structures stretching high into the sky. A golden gate encircling the college as the gatekeepers of former students of Goodway University. You stare in awe of the almost mountainous building connecting them in an enormous sphere."I can't believe I'm here." This is allegedly the smallest University that.
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